Sunday, June 28, 2009

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offer assistance in the preparation and drafting of the final award presentation, bibliography, konspektu.Na request or when required to do so on we can prepare multimedia presentations is a major element of support for our appearance before the examination committee.

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So far, we wrote:
first Eros and Thanatos - a trace of love and death in the Polish literary tradition. Analyze and evaluate the function of these themes in selected literary examples
second National Uprising, as the Polish literature. Discuss the selected examples
third Landscape of dreams in literature
4th Drama failure in the literature of human dreams. Discuss its causes and consequences, analyzing the works of selected epochs
5th Tatra landscape in the poems of Kazimierz Breaks - Tetmajer, Jan Kasprowicz and painting works of modernism. Discuss the issue, referring to the analysis of selected examples.
6th Various shots of the modern family model in the literature. Introduce them, referring to the texts of literature
7th Linguistic errors in the comments of the rapporteurs of sports. Describe its origins and different types of texts for examples of press, radio, television

8th Literary, art and film images of World War II.
9th Theme migration in the literature of the fantastic.
10th The most famous literary lovers. Display couples based on selected works from various eras.
11th The image of the mother.
12th Child motif in literature
13th Literary family portraits
14th Word of Polish poets of the Indomitable - discuss the selected examples.
15th God, life and death in the literature of medieval, Baroque and Romantic 16th
The peasant and the village in the famous works of the nineteenth and early twentieth century.
17th PEOPLE - being determined or free?
Consider the problem on the basis of Polish and foreign literature.
18th Man to man a wolf but you do not let the fight.
19th Man alone must determine what is most important in life. The world which values \u200b\u200b- important to you - you find in literary works?
20th Is anti-Semitism is just the product of totalitarian regimes during World War II?
21st Theme of good and evil in literature.
22nd "Works great and moral truth only works (Emile Zola). Comment on this opinion, referring to selected literary works.
23rd The ethos of the knight and conspirator.
24th Polish literature and post-war years to the totalitarianism of the twentieth century.
25th Literature and art to the human suffering.
26th The creators of "about themselves to posterity. "autobiography in literature and art or the subjective perception of the world - the diary and autobiographical themes in literature.
27th and peasant village in the famous works of the nineteenth and early twentieth century.
28th theme of suffering in the literature.
Emigration 29th, the tragic fate Exile in the literature of romanticism and modernity
30th Polish literature as the nineteenth or twentieth century creates and exposes the national myths?
31st Landscape as a literary theme - introduce it to function in the work of writers of different eras.
32nd criticism of the nobility in the Polish literature
33rd Theme youth in the literature.
34th Portraits of mothers in the literature of the 35th
patriotic themes in literature Polish 36th
Theme families family home.
37th Theme totalitarianism.
38th Theme of power.
39th The different faces of the village in the Polish literature of the 40th
On the basis of selected texts from various eras gain visibility by the continued presence of the extremely pessimistic trend in European culture.
41st The image of Jews in literature.
42nd Themes of the fatherland and patriotism in the literature.
43rd Humility and rebellion as the dominant attitude toward God.
44th Portraits of women in literature
45th Nature homeland as a theme, the theme of artistic inspiration
46th Different models of romantic love. Discuss the issue, based on selected tracks Romantic literature.
47th The different faces of love
48th "The Judgement of the Polish and the dream of Polish literature
Polish romanticism," The Wedding "and" early spring "
49th Reflections on the meaning of life based on ancient literature, old and contemporary.
50th Topos knight.
51st Topos of death in the literature.
52nd Totalitarianism during the war and occupation.
53rd From imitation to deform reality - tradition and modernity in the literature of the twentieth century.
54th Concern about the fate of his homeland, expressed in the literature of the Renaissance
55th Staropollskiej era of lasting value (which survives today and what is no longer relevant.)
56th Enduring values \u200b\u200bof rebirth and enlightenment (which survived until today and what is no longer relevant.)
57th Types of romantic heroes of 58th
Typical values, attitudes, ideas and views in the literature of various eras
59th The authority - the honor, commitment, strength destructive. What sort of reflection on this subject makes you literature and film?
60th Theme freedom.
61st Prometheus, Icarus, Sisyphus-implementation of certain attitudes.
62nd Famous heroes in my literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
63rd Theme death.


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Rhetoric - The art of skillful speaking

speech before the commission on graduation from the Polish
oral presentation prepared in advance and subject to
essential element of the baccalaureate on the basis of which inter alia
assessed level of knowledge high school graduates. However
this presentation was really good to learn some simple techniques
and to understand what is and how important is mastering
perfected art of speaking, that is
art of rhetoric was practiced since ancient times already.
because people knew how important it is her understanding that is indispensable
in everyday life. Similarly
today. To achieve this goal, we must be able to adequately express
and thus gain the supporters.
art of speaking is used almost everywhere: in advertising, film, news
, regencjach, or even in ordinary, everyday
dialogues. Without it, there is no life.
How, then, to speak at graduation? Getting to know a few
• Be loud and clear. Let them hear and understand, the committee may in fact assess
only what she heard. • Do not rush. Take your time to prepare at home
occurrence, so to fit in time. You did it?
So now I will also wait too long to say anything
Avoid hyphens between the food in the form of reimbursements:
eeeeeeeeeeeeeee, hmmmmmmmmmm, ymmmmmmmm.
· Underline the word with quotes
beginning of the next paragraph, important opinion, motto, or a summary
· Try to speak nicely and neatly, do not panic.
• Bear in mind a polite phrases.

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a good impression as the most important ..

Each of the graduates would to the maturity exam
present themselves as the best. Indeed we are aware
from this that the impression they will have on the committee also has
affect the outcome of passing the exam. This is why it is so important
to fall as well.
on our image consists of many factors that gathered together form
general outline of our personality. So in order not to alienate
committee, and what more to gain her attention
and trust we have a little try.
First of all, let us remember to be equal to the seriousness of the situation
dress which was slightly more I told.
Clothing and our image, that is, how we look, is the first element
examination committee.
not forget also polite phrases.
good day, goodbye, thank you, please, excuse me if
could / would you repeat this phrase, which
should accompany us everywhere, and at the school in
good impression will have on the committee examining
when our speech is
enriched with the appropriate setting. So do not start working
the words: "Good, I say" or "start", but Let's put it differently, eg
Today I wish to present on ... .. or:
I will try before you today to discuss the issue on the theme ...

remember to keep proper posture. Not so
elbow propped up on a table, not przeskakujmy from foot to foot
, chaotically not go from corner to corner or not gryźmy
Such behavior is unacceptable and does not become
School Graduates. During my speech stójmy
so simple, possibly if necessary by doing certain movements such as the free
pointing to slide, or poster, or
designed to emphasize the importance of words. Let's get it
ponurak mines, which nobody likes and who does not associate
too nice. On our face will finally let
smile that will accompany us throughout the presentation
ago. Let us know and love with a warm and cheerful person
. A smile can do a lot.
We look at the committees and are not afraid of their looks.
eye contact with the client, is an essential element
good speech. Przykujmy the committee, asking
directly towards them. I guarantee that you will not be able
away from you eyes.
Give it something more. Prepare posters, reproductions,
multimedia presentation, or some other, additional
materials. Show that you can afford more, that you want to do more.
Commission will appreciate your effort and reward it in
right way!

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importantly - control stress in

no reason to hide, Matura occurrence for many of you
almost traumatic experience which associated with
huge stress. And as we all know, stress is the worst possible
counselors, who not only are they in any way
will not help us, it's still a pretty good joke can spłatać
and cause trouble. Therefore, it is important to learn
to overcome it. Only then will we be able to
limit its impact to a minimum.
Manage Stress is a great art. Not everyone goes
is the first time. Sometimes you need a lot of exercise.
You become familiar with some techniques that will allow us
limit its impact.
Stress always comes when we are faced with something
new, unknown, to an unusual situation,
and having great significance for us. Just such a situation occur
Matura. None of us because every day there is no public
presenting their knowledge. No one by the end of
not know how this looks Baccalaureate. We fear and stressful, it is natural
. However, it is important not to allow "eat" the
this stress, and thus lower their notes from the examination
dojrzałości.Skoro stress occurs whenever we are faced with
new situation, it is important to make that this situation was not
for us so completely new. This will definitely help many
exercise, loud uttering his speech, and even
rehearsal in the family circle. Gain on the
courage, and you will see that it's worth.
Another factor that will allow us to reduce stress is good preparation
. The awareness that we are "on
obkuci plate" bolster our confidence and will make us a much calmer
egzaminu.Aby reduce the effects of stress is also important right
rest. Not worth repeating the text for five minutes before
Abitur. No time and no place for it. Remember that to
be well prepared for high school it is best to learn
occur no later than one and a half week before final exams.
Then just repeat it once or twice a day and
ready. On the eve of final exams do not overstrain of the mind, nor winds himself, that's still not you. Relax, read
good book, watch a movie and not think about graduation and everything associated with it
. Remember that rest is necessary to
our mind can efficiently function!

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what to pack?

Matura, is an extremely important and festive time, so each
school graduate should think about appropriate attire, which might somehow
make all the preparations for the exam. How
says one of the well-known sayings, "This garment is a showcase
man", so try to dress like each of you
the best testified about him. How, then, dressed for a high school diploma? "There is probably nothing easier in this entire
Nawal different preparations, although some, and it makes a big problem.
not worth experimenting with clothes,
would unnecessarily attract attention from the same reason.
too cut necklines, mini skirts, sneakers, and do not fall
glany So the question.
bottom line is that our attire was neat and clean.
It is also advisable not to throw himself in the eye due to
colors. The most relevant seem to be so
all shades of black, gray, brown and garnet.
girls should definitely put on this occasion
elegant skirt, even though every day may not really like
in her walk. As most on the spot is also a white blouse and sleek
jacket, which is a kind of complement
clothing. Elegant and delicate makeup and neat haircut is also
the ingredients for a beautiful appearance, which is why it is good to
not with due accuracy.
In men the situation is similar. Welcome to graduation
is a tie, white shirt and suit. Let us also note
to clean the shoes and nails. The last glance in the mirror ...
Well? Well, we move on to high school diploma ...

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fast learning the art speech

recall briefly presented
already in previous chapters some of the techniques for rapid and effective learning
and uzupełnijmy them with those which have not yet been
The basic rules designed to efficiently and quickly
remember are:
· Ni mess with time! Start your preparation for the oral final exams
Polish language early enough to easily
with all the catch. Do not wait for last call!
• Do not all at once! Divide the material on such parties, which you can remember. Do not try to master the
everything in one day. Set a goal
such as memory control all of the
a week and consistently, systematically, step by step
try to achieve it.
• Do not "cram" everything on the memory! Memory
learning is necessary, however, are not demanding from each other to learn a job
final award, in one word. Try
rather speak in their own words, forgotten
expressions derived
replace immediately and pursue a point by point all the assumptions included in the outline
· Always have with you an outline! Outline is
document that will accompany you on graduation
cavity in the Polish language. Get up so
all the benefits! In preparing for final exams
always keep it in your hand, so that it becomes a useful material
when delivering your speech.
difficult: phrases and words write on a large sheet of paper! If your current job
are phrases or words, which makes you remember
difficulty, write them on a large sheet of paper, which
then hang over the bed. Repeat it every time
when you lay down to sleep, and you'll see that with ease
remember everything!
• Repeat, repeat and repeat again! Each batch of material captured
repeat every time
when you only have the conditions for doing so. More and more new pieces of work merge and perpetuates the memory on the bus,
train on the way to school, to walk, and even before bedtime
. This will allow you to learn faster and smoother
your presentation.
· Take a break! Do not sacrifice the education of one
piece of work too long at a time. When you feel tired, do not strain the
his mind. Take a break
! Exit short Walk, do two squats, or
eat a piece of chocolate. Thus, when again attempting to learn
Your mind can easily absorb new information
• Be loud! When preparing soy
occurrence in the home does not repeat once again the passage
quietly. Rhyme it loud and clear, just to hear his voice
. This makes it easy to grab your
shortcomings and easily manage to deal with them.
· Beat Stress! Kidy already mastered his work Matura
gather up the courage and show it to your next, in such a way as
will take place in high school. Thanks
ago tame a situation, master stage fright,
get used to the presence of listeners and it is,
are you sure you have prepared well.
· Believe in yourself! Do not lose your confidence and belief in their own
opportunities and arm yourself with patience. Not everything goes
right away, but "practice makes perfect." "Wanting
I can" so want to start, and everything will surely succeed

This is my recipe for success;))

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Matura: D

Oral Baccalaureate from the Polish language is a huge stress for most high school graduates
and no way does this
denied. The new phenomenon of stress is, however, most
natural, because every public appearance, and this
occurrence of which depends on an assessment of our further career
science, involves precisely tremom, stress and fear. This
natural, but it should not affect the quality of our
. However, to make this happen, we just
prepare for final exams and gather all necessary information for
us so that we say was poukładania,
niechaotyczna and having the proverbial 'hands and feet. "
So how well prepared for high school oral language
Polish? There is no simple answer to this question,
because each of us has different abilities, capabilities, advantages,
mitzvah or other difficulties and barriers, which is forced
overcome. It is therefore important to independently assess our
possible to extract the maximum strengths and use them
and our frailties
reduced to a minimum and a maximum of retouch. Once you can answer the questions
what I want / I and present the show because
I know it is my strong side? What better to avoid and not to disclose
, and then boast to rise above mediocrity? Then we can proceed with the process of preparing
us to present to the committee.
How do I? I will answer you on your own example. Matura
long behind me, but whenever I think about it
seems to me, like it was just yesterday. I remember very well
that whenever just thought that I appear before the
and start talking,
pass me the shivers. I do not belong to the people małomównych and secretive, and yet this
afraid. I thought then that I need to figure out a way
to reduce as the paralyzing me
stress. But what could it more minimized than
good preparation?
invented so that I have a solid and very well prepared
. So I took the hard work.
itself had already written to develop a bit earlier, I had about him, however
clue, I could not say no
words. I gave myself a week to completely forge work.
every day so I learned to memorize a small piece of
work. However kułem not word for word the text, but rather holding
outline plan, point by point, clashed
tell my work. When I forgot the words
quickly tried to replace them with others and thus learn
go easily from oppression, to the high school as something
forget, or turn, know how to say this in other words
. In this way, my job was, maybe a little differently
than that which a few weeks before I signed on the paper, but because I knew that the text I have mastered to perfection, I decided to work out the
way of speaking.
I said to myself: find your strengths! I found a
then tried to maximize them and expose
. For example, quotes the relevant
emphasized timbre, speak loudly clashed, at times, when it was
necessary, bluntly, while others quietly together, as if questioning. In this
also tried to keep cheerful face, trying to train myself
averted vision ability at some time in the
commission and maintain visual contact, which is extremely important
. I learned also indicate the hand
quotations that were on my presentation
multimedia and rollover the next slide. It's everything,
taken together contributed to the whole aesthetic value
my speech, which is extremely important, indeed necessary.
he must be able to show the commission that you are not frightened and confused
, but some of their knowledge and skills
and is capable how best to present it.
It really works!
Finally, when I say has already been captured perfectly
again przewertowałem
the books of literature, which of course pre-read books
and summaries of the literature selection. Now I have
sure I was totally prepared.
Before entering the room my legs were shaking, I thought
faint. Yes, of course, did not happen. I went there, though
I was sure that I do not remember anything. But nothing like that,
I was so obkuty that gave almost everything with flying colors, and no problems
later answered questions from the committee.
It went well, and when I saw the smile on the faces of examiners
I knew that it was really good and that
my method really worked.
I passed and I was happy. Overall, I am today, because through
ago gained more confidence, I got to find
college, and while I can and help you, my dear
school graduates. Therefore
assure Baccalaureate is to go! It's difficult
, just prepare myself like I do, a good way, so
. Hook graduated.

Laboratory 9. Transpiration

effective use of the material guarantee ultimate success

work ready, refined outline and bibliography,
multimedia presentation, banners and posters in anticipation of
present them to the examining board. All
almost perfectly, but needed one more thing to
success-good preparation and presentation of what has been
with so much difficulty created. Imperative to
so at this point know how to best take advantage of
previously prepared materials.
In the previous chapters explained how great a role plays a framework plan
speeches, bibliography and paper with quotes.
It's time to use this ability. Do not be afraid to take
outline, bibliography, or cards with quotes to hand, if it can
us at any time prove to be very helpful. After a
they were prepared to serve you, so make good use
what is on them! Learning to join their
not forget also about the presentation multimedialnej.Włączajmy it whenever we practice his say, because it
for us is also a source of knowledge and material

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multimedia presentation will require
high school graduate to devote more time than other materials
additional but and certainly the most worthwhile.
Especially useful if not essential to use the word, it is
for topics on the borderline of literature and
art or film. Here, it performs the extremely important role, because
shows reproductions of the paintings in question are fixed on a glass screen films discussed in the staff work and identifies the major
quotes worth remembering, etc. But each
case, not only in the face of the work of writing
pieces of correspondence, it is useful to attempt to perform
multimedia presentation, because then they'll be evaluated above
certainly for our efforts and we will get
recognition among the committee, who will appreciate our creativity, originality and exquisite
, however, prepare a full przygotowanie.Jak ideal multimedia presentation
? What's in it to conclude that it is thematically consistent
with our work? What content and images to use? First of all four
concentrating on being a multimedia presentation we do expect with the fact that we will have to devote her
lot of time. Prezentacja because, like the baccalaureate,
initially and at first glance appears to be an easy thing
but once you get to it przymierzymy,
then we realize that it takes a lot of time and is not as simple as we
seemed to be. But when we finally
convinced that we want to devote their time for a good cause,
then we have to start collecting material, ie photos
author readings, which are discussed in the work, frames from movies and theaters
, unless the work was exhibited on the stage or screen
glass, reproductions, if our subject is borderline
mail pieces, etc. The most important quotes
Then we have to choose the right template, and often
and create it yourself to color the color and style match perfectly
our theme. Not something we can use
yellow, if our subject is based on theme of death,
or black when speaking about the joy.
Remember, colors, image processing, matching
appropriate frames and fonts, is half the battle and this is unfortunately more
Half time-consuming. In the case of purely literary themes
our options are somewhat limited, as
taper to be included in the multimedia work
quotations and single images, although a good choice is not such a simple matter
. However, when our topic is on the borderline of pieces
then our ability to grow incredibly.
can use reproductions of paintings, beautiful templates, fonts
and sophisticated, and thus create a highly abstract

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multimedia presentation of additional material magic ...

additional material, it is as the name suggests, such
aids, which are not mandatory, but permitted
oral graduation from the Polish language. These include min.
various boards and posters prepared by
graduates, reproductions, excerpts of films and multimedia presentations
. In recent time, however,
most popular among high school graduates has gained
this latter form. And rightly so, because it is a great material
additional and auxiliary, which can take on
high school diploma and admire their creativity komisję.Ktoś whole, however, might ask why an additional and auxiliary
? And here lies the secret of this magical power
additional materials, in particular, is a multimedia presentation
. So yes, a multimedia presentation for an extremely clever juxtaposition of these two characteristics. It is
filler material because it is not mandatory. Nobody
throw us out of the room for the fact that you do not have, no one in the
not rebuke. However, starch is regarded as supplementary material, it certainly raises the
quality of work and firmly reinforces our assessment in the eyes
komisji.Prezentacja media are not only supplementary material, but
secondary for us. For every well-executed
and solidly prepared for presentation pps.
is easier for high school graduate, who is due to her certainly will not confuse the order of graduation
your content, do not twist
any valid name or title, and will not have to learn by heart
a long and extensive quotations compact
at work. It will in fact everything on your computer screen!

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scenario outline

Framework for expression, and outline other words, it is extremely necessary
document and act as an important role in the process of
preparing for final exams, and while delivering his speech
before an examination. Outline
is also a document which is right next to the bibliography
taken into account as a material to submit to a mandatory examination committee
an early date
preceding final examinations. One might, however,
ask: what exactly is the general framework of expression, which supposedly has
help me, and if it is, how to create a really good outline
? Already
answer ... Outline (Framework for speech) is
document takes into account the points were, the scenario we
speech given by a secondary school. A So, how
probably already guessed, it is extremely important and needed.
Thanks to him because not only do not forget what we had
speak, but do not lose out to the order of these
issues. However, The new outline was useful to us,
first needs to be well-formed. When is the best
write an outline? And here, as in the case of the bibliography, sentences are divided
. Some believe that even before the creation of the development
matriculation, others that immediately after the completion of this process
. Sure, you can either way, although the experience
We know that both the one and the second method is not the end of
is adequate.
Our considerable experience arising from work with maturzystami
allowed namukształtować own view on this and
develop a system that allows secondary school graduates to create a perfect outline
, corresponding to their individual needs
So in order to create a really good outline of matriculation
works on it should begin even before
for writing work. In this way we obtain an outline of his
expression and will help us later in the text of a statement
independent information. At the outset so we must first of all four
ask yourself: in what direction I want to
gone my thoughts?, or create a base point for your own reflection and
myśleniowych schemes. When it comes time
will determine the time to peel the motto of our work that we will prevail
in the course of our deliberations. Ready?
now consider in outline the various literary works
and (or) a work of art that had previously chosen to
their work putting them in the order, which according to us it seems to be the most appropriate
, the most sensible
and arranged aesthetically. By creating an outline of individual
works, we must also think about what I would like to
upon to prove, indicate what to look for
commission, which they pass. Wypiszmy everything from dashes. Then comes the time to summarize. In it
make further analysis of individual works with the applications they
in connection with the subject arose
to us after thorough studying. Outline finish
deep quote, or a kind of closure and reflection
summarizing all of our reasoning. Outline
ready? Hooray! Do you have a solid base for
based on which you can easily create develop
Matura. But beware! Do not think of an outline created as a final
! There is nothing more wrong. Not
illusions that the first time we managed to create something
perfect. No! An ideal outline requires the Jelcz many
-applied patches develop during the writing
matriculation and his teachings. Framework plan of expression must be
fact such that he was helpful and useful for you during your appearance before
examination commission. So before you decide to
return it in its final form, first insert the
it's really a lot of work and effort!

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speech-quotes and its effective use

Jobs tailor the final award will not be
be deprived of such an important element such as citations.
They are extremely important because, first enrich the value of our work
merits, on the other hand, has an excellent knowledge
these readings and the topic, and thirdly, give our work
pristine aesthetic and compositional
Yes, it's all true, but .... These quotes can not be found in our work
quite by accident. They can not be posted on the
way I like it, so throw it in the job, and that
not, so I'll skip it. Despite appearances, the proper selection of quotations
content of our presentation is quite a craft that requires dedication
a lot of time and depth
poszukiwań.Kiedy our work on the final award is based solely
literature, then our task is made easier. In such cases
ideal for quotations taken from these positions
literary and adequately matched
subject to our work. Things are slightly worse when the final award of our work comes from the border pieces.
Then our task is much harder. It is not enough here already
quotes because of the items discussed in the literary work and you get
for deeper exploration. In this case
ideal for quotations taken from the biographies of artists whose works
a favor, for example, the word derived from
reviews of this film by us, or article, etc. It is
but sometimes struggled to achieve the desired effects! Perfectly Quotes are also suitable for use as a motto,
or summary of our statements. In this case
best to choose well-known sayings of famous people, proverbs
whether the well-known literary quotes and even entire sections
line. You can of course be tempted to
and quotations from other sources, and at the same time to demonstrate their great creativity and ability
comprehensive interpretation of the theme.
is also worth remembering that, regardless of the number
citations contained in the work (although they do not overdo it
!) Do not have to learn them by heart. All
in fact found can, and indeed should the grid quotations
that we can bring into the exam room.
But maybe you might ask yourself the trouble and, despite everything
recite them from memory ...? Strange looks when I examined the situation will cite the quote and then for another 5 minutes looking for it on piece of paper with quotes .. 5 minutes of dead silence in our speech does not help refer us to the final success.

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merytoryka aesthetics + = SUCCESS!

Any work beyond the content and merytoryką
must somehow look like. Of course, translating the word somehow
nice and neat. Thus, each work must
look good and neat. One might say that it does not matter because the commission
and so does not see it, but at this point
I can not agree with him.
work must be written clearly and transparently. This will allow easier
assimilate its contents. But the most important element in forming a
neatness of the work is to maintain the appropriate ratio between
introduction, paragraphs and
end. Please note that your presentation can not
take longer than 15 minutes. On the face of it very much, but anyone who starts
their preparations for their final exams soon
already realizes that it's really not much. The trick is to write so
as brief, but concise work includes
essence of what should be said. Do not overdo it worth the
length of employment. Here we do not want anyone to dictate how many pages
such work should be written, but it is worth
perform a test. Namely, take an arbitrary
text, start a timer and read it for 15 minutes is not free, but
very fast pace. This will determine the approximate length they should have your job.
to work was good it should not be too many
publish literary works. It is better to discuss a few (eg three) but depth
giving the whole meaning of the subject, than a lot, and how shallow and
pobieżny.Należy also note that all these texts
should be approximately similar length in our work.
Do not focus in depth on one, and the second
treated casually.
Proportions are extremely important. Introduction should be relatively
short but pithy reviewers and the main thread of our work.
Subsequent paragraphs should discuss in depth the
various literary works, and the ending which is slightly longer than allowed
should summarize again
all issues discussed in the work and kind of close
entire presentation.

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boundary between originality and plagiarism

We live in times where we have comprehensive access to information
. Most are not so difficult to gain exit
from home and we look simply to the Internet! Enter
about our work in search engine and shows us a series of pages that moving
issue. We review them in turn and affirm that, since their value seems to be a substantive
at a high level, why not take advantage of their content and
not attempt to place it in his presentation.
Often we do so too, often without realizing
matter how great art is the skillful use of the content
commonly available on the Internet without copyright infringement
. There is also at the same time, however, nothing more wrong than
adopt rigid and inflexible patterns of thinking
principle: "I found this phrase on the Internet so the whole job
was pulled from it. " Thinking in this way we
admit to the fact that we have absolutely no idea on
about how the use of sources is
Internet at work, and how the process is pink. We can not however allow
other hand, to a situation where our work
turns out to be only a cluster of web content. One
and the second is in fact the same extent, unreliable.
writing your work, we want to make it really
original and unique. We expect the same
and from each other, though often we are not aware of it, to
this work was our own creativity, and that's not
take place. Not something we can begin to invent their own interpretation of the individual readings
. And since it does not enter into
count, then come to the conclusion that in order to not create such a work
need to rely on certain materials, min.
the Internet. Therefore, people who write their works are required to reach the
valuable studies, articles and reference books, which should look both at the library and Internet
exactly! Every writer should therefore know that that work was a truly valuable
really need a lot of sources and some have to
naszukać. It is therefore necessary to go to
library, borrow it, which seems to be the most useful and valuable
, but at the same time reach into the Internet, which has yet
so much information!
Here, however, is much harder, because as far as the library difficult to
małowartościowe things, the more the Internet is their
very much. There are both extremely important information, such as
and many ordinary "Junk" or worse "total nonsense".
the trick is to choose what is really worth something and skillfully
benefit from this. To do this you must therefore have been a lot of knowledge
substantive on the subject. Once you choose the particular texts
Internet, then we compare
all together, complemented with their own visions and
concept work, we make individual hypotheses, arguments and conclusions
and thus compose a whole, which, while being perfectly posklejanych
result of information from different sources
, As evidenced by the bibliography, the only
creates a kind, unique composition, where the
certainly will not find nobody on any of the Web sites and
which certainly can not be described as plagiarism.

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art of writing or joining materials

can not proceed to write a presentation
final award, if you do not have a previously developed plan of action
. It will also help to write a fully arranged and thoughtful work
final award. Otherwise, the job becomes chaotic and
difficult to understand and read. The Action Plan also
useful at a later stage, namely
already during the preparations for final exams orally. This will allow you to easily learn what
followed. The action plan should begin by tendering
reading and literary works, which will be used in your work
final award. If you created earlier so his
bibliography, definitely have an easier task.
know because of what you use it at work and what to base its content.
so you can proceed to write their work.
First, you must write, using again
brain storm ideas on what order to set works of literature
entity, so that in coherent and
formed a single whole. It is extremely important because
skillful combining a variety of content is actually half
success. Important is also good, and the original idea for an interesting and reviewers
depths of the text entry. It must intrigue
committees and bring in a nutshell is to be discussed wdalszej part of the work. And at the very end of writing that
plan should reflect on what we want to include our
work. Most of the topics is so constructed that it requires a deeper
diagnosis. It is worth the time to reflect on the depth
theme, showing it from different perspectives and points of view.
Plan Ready? So go!!

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bibliography step 4 .... 3 ....

We have already chosen the subject of work, dozens gathered
materials, we managed to specialists and, finally, after heavy and laborious preparation
we are faced with having to
take the next step - writing a bibliography. Yes! Bibliography
fact is another thing we have to do to
created then we would work
proverbial 'hands and feet. " There are different opinions on this, the best time to start writing
bibliography. Some believe, like us, that even before writing a text presentation,
others that immediately after the operation. Of course, you can earn
it both ways, but certainly preferable
turns out to be the first. Why? Therefore,
bibliography is that when we have already created, then
we have written in white on black, which in our work
should be found. Bibliography So help us organize our work
, prevents accidental and chaotic
and introduces order in all our activities. Creating
bibliography as the first is also suitable
if only because it was after she first
material that we submit to the school, so it is worth it
have already fully prepared to not make it a,
like the choice of theme , accidental, and we
How then to create
That up a bibliography? What
in her post? In
compare? What
should be in it
find it?
Indeed, writing a bibliography correctly, is really an issue
. It is therefore important to apply ourselves to this task
really conscientiously and enthusiastically, remembering that it is our showcase for high school
. By joining the writing bibliographies
we should point out that in the upper left-year post
her date and place of writing our
residence, the right and our personal data, ie
name and surname.
central part of the bibliography should deal explicitly
extracted, either by using bold or italic,
about our work. Then we begin to be cited in the literature
subjective position, that these books (mostly
readings), and works of art referred to in our work. Each
reference to the book starts with the name or
author or authors, the title recorded in italics,
publisher, place and year of publication and ISBN. It is
standard reference to the book, which can However
vary considerably depending on the number of authors, sources, and many other factors
. So let's read a bit more before
on this topic, or ask your teacher or tutor, and
even ask for help with this activity. After saving
proceed to the personal literature
bibliographic descriptions of the items in the literature, those
sources on which we wish to create their work. And here
the same rules apply writing, which in the literature of the subject.
But it is worth to point out that our literature
object was varied in terms of sources of information
and fully aligns with the content of our prezentacji.Wkrótce bibliographies will post a sample that you can serve as a model for creating your own lists of bibliographic
. It must be remembered that each school has its own requirements
as to form a bibliography, so it's worth
previously read about the current standards in it.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

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step at the source of knowledge

In a previous entry explained the art of
effective search and selection of materials. In the present
chapter we focus attention on the sources of knowledge, which every
school graduate should know and, more importantly, benefit from
them during the process of creating their work final award.
As already previously mentioned, these sources is really a lot, we
while we focus our attention mainly on those which we consider
the most important and significant in the course of preparation for the exam
first and essential source of information is undoubtedly
book. And there appear to be useful both
school textbooks, books strictly thematically related to our work,
biographies, reading, school, and all kinds of dictionaries, lexicons
, encyclopedias and study. Another source of knowledge
high school graduate is the Internet where it can
find such useful materials as reviews, studies,
reports, articles, topics closely related to work, but
numerous forums, which in the course of preparation for the baccalaureate
Polish language appear to be fulfill a vital role
as it allows the flow and exchange of knowledge and information gathered. Next
source information, high school graduate, the professional assistance of
experienced and knowledgeable on issues related to oral Abitur
the Polish language. Such people are really
much. We can find them both on the Internet, and among our coaches
and teachers who serve
experience and expert advice will give us many valuable suggestions
how to create a really good
presentation and avoid unwanted traps.
And last time a source of knowledge from which we should certainly,
indeed we have to take - our heads, in which the fullness
all these years has really gathered much valuable information
. Now comes the time to just after
not reach out and use properly. So start saving!
Move your head!

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Step 2 .... in the pursuit of knowledge and materials

choice of theme matriculation begins a series of intensive preparation for the baccalaureate
the Polish language. Although, as I
previously mentioned, it is not at all easy to think, it
pleasant enough however that does not require us to greater effort
time and leave the house. But when
already overcome the first, crucial threshold, then we are faced with another
and it's much more difficult, which
will require us to sacrifice his patience
large amount of time. Because this next step in the direction of good
prepare for final exams orally in the Polish language is
collect materials on which we will write their own speech
maturalne.Żyjemy at a time when access to all sorts of information
became almost universal. Everywhere we are flocking to
numerous messages. We have access to the Internet, TV
newspapers, books, magazines, and even a gallery of painting, and therefore not
we can say that there is plenty to choose from ... Absolutely
is, but the more sources, the harder this Nawal
information to find something really meaningful and dignified
our attention.
Therefore, given the fact that we want our work to be fully
valuable material, we carefully select our sources and
analyze their merit. The first essential step
what we should do in this direction is undoubtedly
trip to the library. There we find
really valuable books, which by its content in the largely
may, indeed should be credited to our presentation.
But how to find these items? This question surely begs
at the thought of many of Was.Już answer! ... There are many methods. You can just go and start browsing
turn all the shelves with books on
topics of interest to us, or you can ask for help in finding Mrs
their librarian. But this is certainly a way to squander a lot of
ours, how valuable time and
with this and other people's time. Therefore, the simplest way to
finding what we need are senior
searching the Internet, which creates yet for us today
so many possibilities. This is where we can easily find titles
position, after that then we will go to
library. On the Internet, however, we find not only that, but
many other valuable information for us which we should certainly take advantage
well. But beware! Using the Internet and listed in the material requires great attention and care
. Not assume immediately that the text
have adequate merit. Let us read and therefore
analizujmy, are you sure the value of the documents is
sufficient to satisfy both our and
and examining.
We already know that we can seek knowledge, both in the library, as
and the Internet. There is no doubt that two of its greatest treasures, but also not the only
. Materials for our work because
can also be found in other sources. Depending on the topic
we also look for them in newspapers,
magazines, newspapers, among the books in our home
bookshelves, and even in the gallery of images.
for help, we can also ask your tutor or someone
experienced, who will help us to create our work.
There are many possibilities, you just wake up my
imagination, and certainly you will find valuable content that
make our presentation will be truly unique.

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Step 1 ... choose the

all secondary school graduates who come to deal with
writing their own final award presentation of the Polish language
at the very beginning become a very important
but difficult task, namely the need to make a choice
topic of the final award of the Polish language. On the surface,
would seem that there is nothing simpler in all this hustle and bustle of preparations for final exams
than just the choice of this theme.
However, thinking this is how you can make
Baccalaureate will be much more difficult than we thought. So what do
not to enter into this blind alley?
When the time comes that you need to decide on
matriculation in the Polish language is worth devoting this action
bit more time. Of course, nearly perfect
situation is one in which the decision on the choice of subject we have already
maturity much earlier and for a long time already collect materials of interest to us
issue. Unfortunately, experience with working with
maturzystami know that this situation happens very rarely
. Most secondary school graduates choose to break the topic
only when the Polish teacher asks you to fill in the final statement
final award. And then the time is usually very little
, which entails
often hasty and poorly considered decisions, which so often turn out
to be "suicide".
Therefore, regardless of whether you have a lot of time, or
the days you have to make decisions about the choice of his subject
final award of work, always remember that this decision was
thoughtful and informed. But what would this happen?
First, select its list of those topics that seem to you
easy, nice and pleasant, that is, those that you think are appropriate for your
opportunities. Do not overestimate yourself, but
also do not measure too low, just would be easier for you. Sure
yet I do not know for how much you can afford! Among the topics highlighted
analyze each separately. Perform
so-called storm of the brain and write on a clean sheet
all literary works (and works of art on this
if required) that come to your mind in connection with the
topic. In this way also helps you develop a sensible plan
bibliography after the election-related topic
Abitur. Then try to think about what would be best suited
having the number of discharged
works and their degree of familiarity.
verifying this way the individual subjects in the final selection process
make a topic that you will be most appropriate for you. If you have chosen in this way about his work, but
you are not yet fully convinced of the rightness of his decision
, then you can also, if time is your ally
, talk to someone, eg your teacher, tutor
, or even Ms. Polish teacher from the library, who surely will tell you
which of your chosen subjects would
best for you. Do not be afraid to ask, because "whoever asks
doin '!

Friday, June 26, 2009

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This blog decided to dedicate a senior to all who seek knowledge and sources of inspiration, so much needed to create a unique and unforgettable presentation of the final award of the Polish language and when you have a problem with that you try to pomóc.Bazujemy on their own experiences and stress previous years because, like you have joined the high school:) .. and most importantly, we did it, D. .. if you look up you see the headline proclaiming the truth of the old That, however, is bzdura.Dla Baccalaureate Baccalaureate us was not bullshit! On its outcome depended on our future so we treated it with utmost seriousness and dystansem.Żyję hope that we have included tips, which are the result of our long-term
work associated with the preparation and presentation-leaving the co-operation with maturzystami will allow you to efficiently and possibly
painlessly go through all the stages of preparation for the oral final exams
Polish, and your efforts will be crowned with success
as high performance maturalnych.Nie leave you but to themselves! Sami passed the stress produced by the presentation of topics so we can liczyć.Będziemy us support you in the preparation of bibliography, plan your speech as well as in drafting the text of the prezentacji.Wybierzemy reading, prepare presentations, so that at the time in which you will before the "flash" does not came only with clips but also to tie your presentation shone against others.
Looking for help with the preparation of a bibliography? Do not know where you started? How to choose the subject? About what they may ask? the right place!

If in doubt, write to us! We will give you advice related to the preparation and presentation, even when you want to check tematu.A consideration draft a text of the presentation for you and we will develop multimedia presentations on demand which is the perfect support during your appearance before the committee egzaminacyjna.Polonista ten times returns you to the bibliography correct? us will not be in such situations.