Public Library in Zory, Branch No. 7
meeting DKK 11/03/2010
Scary Evening with Stephen King
Almost tradition have become a musical and literary evenings initiated by Branch 7 of the Public Library in Zory. "I read because I like it," a new series of events organized in collaboration Branch No. 7 and the department of Methodology and Promotion of MBP.
guests such meetings usually tend to be members of the Discussion Club and supporters of literature books
Żory November Third Club, which operates under the name of the Good Book Lovers Club, survived an eventful evening. It was really "terrible" due to a prepared by the Public Library "Haunted Evening with Stephen King." Once again organized in Zory's musical-literary evening, ie - a reading of literary texts to music.
The event, held at Club żorskim Spinoza, it can certainly be classified as small theatrical forms. Not only because the reader appeared in costumes. Drama added special effects, music and gestures, and a real stage movement, not to mention the scenery.
this year in May Żory DKK also participated in the meeting. Then Duke Reads Fri "Lovers' Association of Literature and the potato peels Placek," the accompaniment of a guitar duo. The book, two American writers - Marry Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows, is a wonderful novel in the form of letters, written in the warmth and humor.
action takes place in 1946. The main character, Juliet Ashton, looking for a subject for his new novel, unexpectedly, finds him in a letter to head a small British island of Guernsey, Dawseya who accidentally bought the book in an antique shop owned by one day to Juliet. Relate to each other correspondence. Dawseya attracted world novelist and his friends, members of an unusual literary club, which was created in order to protect the participants some supper before his arrest by the Germans. The book gives us hope that, regardless of age and background, you can find people who will love us, or even love. Beautifully written story of friendship liked very członkiniom żorskiego Good Book Lovers Club.
bibliotekarkom readers, Monika and Joanna Kos Harasim - with MBP in Zory, partnered Charles Dziuba, actor Żory theater group "Fanaberia. He played guitar duo - a teacher of the Music School in Zory Świtacz Margaret and her pupil. Foreword by Halina Bartnicka moderator Books Discussion Club in Zory.
This time, as it is Halloween time, clubbers, and all fans of horror literature, suggested something from the repertoire of the king of horror, that is - "A terrible night with Stephen King." Reads the text of stories Fri "1408" from the King's short story collection, entitled . 'Everything is relative. "The American author of short story collections, comic books and film scripts, has reached in life everything a writer could dream of - fame, wealth, happy family. Today, he writes, as he says, for your pleasure. As one of the most popular writers in the world, the publisher of his books he chooses. They are usually small, yet no one has known wing. In this way, can strengthen them and pave their way to success. Almost each of his more than 60 books was made into. Story Fri "1408" waited for the screening of the film. The film stars American actors - John Cusak and Samuel L. Jackson.
main character is a young writer Mike Enslin, who investigates haunted places, though he does not believe in supernatural phenomena and writes about them just for money. He decides to spend the night at the infamous hotel room # 1408, where since 1978 no one lived. This is what it survived completely changed its attitude to the paranormal. Changed him completely.
text read: Monika Kos and Joanna Harasim and poet and a lover of literature - Christopher Nightingale. Intensified the mood of horror music and special effects produced by Thomas Manderlę (violin and effects), teacher State School of Music
in Zory. Foreword - Halina Bartnicka.
At another meeting with music, literature and enjoy the next year in May.
Halina Bartnicka - DKK Żorch moderator.