Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Deleted List By Election Commision

XXII Meeting of DKK
Public Library Municipal Council Lazy

Janusz Leon Wisniewski

Are men the world needed?

March 25 we met to talk about the book by Janusz Leon Wisniewski Are men the world needed? This unusual behavior analysis men, conditioned by the level of testosterone. Fighting the X and Y chromosomes fell in favor of females, contrary to established slogans which turns out to be smarter. This fact is corroborated by the publication of research results. The gradual degradation of the Y chromosome may result in the near future the expiry of the population. While we can freeze sperm, but what about the love and the need for love?

Patriarchate done much evil to women for centuries, pushing them to the role of indirect, in all areas of life reserved for men only. To this day, few of them knows that in the eleventh century the pope and the woman was rescued from the flood Rome and defended before the invasion of foreign armies. The title question, the author, however, leave unanswered, because you can not overestimate the dominant role of women, even if they are so independent and self-sufficient.

Elizabeth Szafruga - Public Library Municipal Council Lazy


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