This is what gives us joy and strength, and at the same conditions the development - the opportunity of acquiring knowledge. Paradoxically, the greater the amount of information, the broader horizons of the greater man born in the belief that he still knows too little. To illustrate this reflection, I will say this: when we first started to learn dance seemed to be enough to cross the "river of knowledge" would be the best. Gaining more dance classes make the river of knowledge flowing faster and faster. At the level of master class, we realize that our river has changed in a veritable sea of \u200b\u200binformation, new skills, possibilities of interpretation ...
... now, when he was at the forefront, taking the opportunity to work with the best dance teachers in the world know that ahead of us whole ocean ...
this year during training camp we worked with David Sycamore and Denise Weavers, Ruud Vermey'em and of course Silvia and Paolo. Now you know why this thought:) Here
photo with your friends - after the evening practisie (23.25 hrs), still smiling:)))

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